Season 5 | Ep 17 - Stuart White on his journey from starting Provide 21 years ago and his current role post acquisition by TXM Group!
The RAG Podcast - Recruitment Agency Growth Podcast - A podcast by Sean Anderson - Wednesdays

On this week's episode, I am excited to be joined by Stuart the Co-Founder and Director of ProvideWith 21 years since starting the business, Stuart has seen pretty much everything there is to see in a growing recruitment agencyMost interestingly, post acquisition by TXM Group, Stuart moved into a new role as Director of Strategic Partnerships - leading their RPO division. I am super excited to hear the story of this change!The RAG sponsorIt’s no secret that recruiters are notoriously time-poor, with highly demanding goals they must achieve to be successful. Talent Ticker was specifically designed to help recruiters get ahead of their most time-intensive tasks, like sourcing and prospecting, by providing recruiters with:powerful predictive intelligencea candidate database of more than 600 million profilesand integrations with popular recruitment toolsAny recruiter who uses this tool will be calling the right person, at the right time and for the right reason.Request a demo at and mention Hoxo for a free personalised leads list of candidates or hiring managers.