Season 3 | Ep 12 - Pete Watson on why he stopped drinking alcohol 8 years ago and how it has changed his life since!

The RAG Podcast - Recruitment Agency Growth Podcast - A podcast by Sean Anderson - Wednesdays


In today’s episode, I was joined again by Pete Watson, the founder of Mint R2R and Hoxo Media Ambassador in Australia.Another episode from our ‘human series’, Pete recently shared with me that he stopped drinking alcohol in 2012 after it was fundamentally affecting his life in a negative way.In this episode, we talked about:Pete’s early relationship with AlcoholHow heavy drinking was encouraged in his Recruitment CareerThe way he felt the day after drinkingThe final straw that led to his sobrietyWhat has happened since he stopped!This is SUCH an important topic as alcohol is threaded deep in our culture in western countries and even more so in the recruitment industry. So many people struggle with their relationship with alcohol and this can be even worse in lockdown! I loved hearing Pete’s story, he was super brave for sharing and will be an inspiration for many I am sure. If you would like to speak to Pete about his journey in more and / or would like someone non-judgemental to talk to about your relationship with alcohol then reach out to Pete directly:

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