Episode 263 - Nicola Hamilton - Founder of Issues Mag Shop, RGD President, Designer, Art Director
The Quickie - Conversations with Designers - A podcast by Print Design Academy
My guest this week is Nicola Hamilton. She is a very talented graphic designer with a specialty in editorial design. She is also the founder of Issues Magazine Shop in Toronto, President of the RGD, Art Director, Design Educator, and I'm sure there is more. Safe to say she has a lot cooking. During this episode we talk about her journey to the creative field and rad free-range childhood that pointed her here and some of the wins, fails, and struggles she has encountered along the way. We also talk about independent publications and the creation of Issues. Check out the Issues Mag shop at the link below! This is an awesome conversation and you can really hear her passion for design and publications! THE LINKSIssues Mag Shop Website: HEREIssues Mag Shop Instagram: HERENicola Hamilton Instagram: HERENicola Hamilton Website: HEREPRINT DESIGN RESOURCES // Get the FREE Print Ready Files Checklist HERE // // Learn Print Design on YouTube HERE //