Dumb sh*t powerlifters do with Stuart Locke and Jordan Shallow
The Pump - A podcast by Dean Guedo and Jeb Stuart Johnston
The boiz brought the Pump in this episode with two guys who know a thing or two about getting huge. From breakfast sandwiches covered in mayonnaise to trying to osmosis a pizza to the dome, we break down all the hacks of gaining weight. We also talk about social media's role in both popularizing and diluting strength sports, the sanctity of the Iron, and what makes a great coach. 1:30 Introductions4:30 Please refer to Jordan as @themuscledoc6:45 Dumb sh*t powerlifters do8:45 The trick to being a good powerlifter- playing real sports13:00 Coaching as a profession vs a hobby15:20 Is your coach just a social media wiz?18:00 PhD or 1100lb squat? What about both?22:00 Where did all the crazy people go?27:00 Voyeurism of social media30:00 Respect those that came before you32:00 The sanctity of lifting36:00 Exposure: good or bad?37:30 The disconnect between professionals vs amateurs42:00 The crossover between SOF and powerlifting48:00 End goal: Big and scary or in a wheelchair?50:00 Compassionate coaching54:00 Coaching self selection55:00 The greatest weight gain discussion in history by Dave Tate60:00 Occam's razor61:00 "Evidence based clowns"64:00 Being the only non-world record holder at Boss Friday nights72:00 Pat Davidson stories Jordan Shallowwww.themuscledoc.com@the_muscle_doc Stuart Lockewww.bearsandarrows.com@lequadzilla