How to Make BIG CASH With a Tiny Investment

The Progressive Property Podcast - A podcast by Kevin McDonnell - Tuesdays


Exclusive Interview with Property Superconference Speaker and Deal Packaging legend, David Siegler. The upcoming 10x Property Superconference has the power to change your life, and In today’s episode, Kevin interviews one of the most experienced property investors in the business, and who will be speaking at the Superconference in just a few weeks time.  In this interview, Kevin talks to David Siegler about his journey into property, his specialism in Deal Packaging and why getting a ticket to the 10x Superconference will change your life.  Key Takeaways We saved a deposit, and got a mortgage and bought a house. When I first started it was a really slow process and the cashflow was limited. The problem was there was no one to ask, no one to ask how you can improve your skills, or learn from others. I was stuck. Rob and Mark were out there buying property when I was sitting at home watching daytime TV.  I now have a deal packaging business. Which I learnt how to do at progressive property. In year one I was able to pay myself over 140,000 and then each year since then I’ve turned over six figures. I’ve been able to reorganise my property portfolio, which initially I was netting around £3500 but then without buying any more properties, due to getting educated, I was able to increase that to over 8K a month. Why did you want to invest in property? I got into property by accident, because I had a retail business. On several of our units, we were able to get the freehold, so we then started buying various over the years when they became available because it can help enhance your balance sheet. I love property because if you hold it for long enough it will go up in value. What’s your favourite property strategy? My favourite is deal packaging because it’s all about the cash. I have residential and commercial properties, but with deal packaging, you can get cashflow without having to get any more tenants. I had a lot of contacts where I didn’t want to buy so I could then help others by selling them on.  What’s your journey been to being on the stage at the 10x Super Conference? In 2014 I threw myself into deal packaging, and it was a lot of work to do initially. 12 months later I learnt about the speaker training at Progressive, and took the course, to become ready to speak. I would then drive around doing twenty-minute slots in various locations around the country.  Who is your biggest inspiration? In business and in property, I think Progressive Property is something special. How Rob and Mark have built this from nothing over the years, is incredible. Special people are going to be in the room at 10x conference.  How has deal packaging changed over the last few years? The cutting edge deal packaging is around serviced accommodation. When I first came into property serviced accommodation wasn’t a thing, but it’s the way to earn money quickly in property. Rent to Rent deal packaging is also an area where people are earning a lot of money very quickly.  Why should everyone be excited about the 10x super conference? Mark Homer who is the smartest man in property in the UK and one of the smartest men in business and he is speaking. Grant Cardone, is there, who will 10x your life and supercharge your property business. Finally, we have Rob Moore and all the other speakers. Then there is a secret speaker who is a major player in property, all to be revealed. What does 10x mean to you? For me, it feels aspirational. It can be a goal in the future for anyone. If you aim for 10x then even if you don’t get there you’ll still be making a lot of money. It changes your mindset, your contacts change, your friends change and the way that you think changes.   Valuable Resources   Best Moments ‘When I started there was no property education.’ ‘Everything stopped in 2008, because of the crash.’ ‘I spent three years at home.’ ‘I joined the deal packaging family.’ ‘The power of the property was keeping my business going.’ ‘I got into property by accident.’ ‘Property is the most passive way to keep my finances up-right.’ ‘Deal packaging allows for cash flow without any tenants.’ ‘I work with people in my business.’ ‘My job now is investor facing.’ ‘Your the go-to expert for deal packaging.’ ‘If you know how to do it then you can find deal packaging next week.’ ‘If you can build your war chest now then you can fund your property business.’ ‘Progressive property is a magical place.’ ‘We are changing lives here.’ ‘Everything I have achieved as a speaker I owe directly to Rob Moore.’ ‘You have to put the work in.’ ‘I was totally committed.’ ‘I practice my speaking, and all the conversations I have with investors and builders.’ ‘You have to get the training, and work hard.’ ‘In deal packaging, you have to know all the property strategy.’ ‘You can now book serviced accommodation on your phone.’ ‘I love learning all the time.’ ‘What gives me the drive to keep going is helping people.’ ‘10x is a whole mindset shift.’ ‘10x is about the bigger picture.’ ‘I’d spent 40 years in business without a 10x mindset.’ ‘If I’d had the mindset 30 years ago I would have been a different person.’   ABOUT YOUR HOSTKevin McDonnell is a Speaker, Author, Mentor & Professional Property Investor. He is an expert when it comes to creative property investment strategies. His book No Money Down: Property Invest talks about how to control and cash flow other people’s property to create financial freedom. CONTACT METHOD Facebook: Official Website: No Money Down: Property Investing by Kevin McDonnell ABOUT THE GUEST David is a property expert with over 25 years’ experience and his own portfolio of 26 units. His current rent roll is in excess of £10k per month. He is also a partner in a Deal Sourcing and Packaging business in the North West of England and has sourced over 250 properties for investors since 2004. In recent years he has, by necessity, had to develop an expertise in LHA strategies. This area is increasingly becoming a niche for him and he enjoys empowering other landlords by sharing the knowledge he has gained. The ultimate purpose when sourcing properties in this sector for investors is to minimise risk while maximising profit. He has had to find answers to the challenges of Tenant Find, Management, ensuring rents are paid and the transition to Universal Credit. These are strategies he uses in his own business and also on behalf of investors. His investor clients regularly achieve annual gross yields of over 20% with high occupancy rates and voids resolved, sometimes within hours. CONTACT METHOD David’s LinkedIn David’s Facebook  progressive, property, investing, rent, housing, buy to lets, serviced accomodation, block, auction, home, financial freedom, recurring income, tax, mortgage, assets: