HIGHLIGHTS of the first 40 Episodes

Little did I know six month ago that The Power of Rhythm Podcast would add such a new dimension to my professional live! Heartfelt thanks to all my guests for exploring with me the one thing that connect us all! Being a composer, musician and coach, The Power of Rhythm Podcast gives me the chance to meet and present to you some of the greatest musicians, scientists, performers and artists that have inspired the world with their visions! Enjoy some of the highlights of the first 40 episodes!

Om Podcasten

Join viennese composer and percussionist Reinhard Flatischler for an eye-opening listening experience. Through inspiring interviews with world-renowned artists, leaders, teachers, high- class performers and scientists, this podcast goes beyond music and explores rhythm from different angles: percussion, drumming, singing, chronobiology, spirituality, modern digitization and health. It will give you new perspectives of how to improve your creativity, your health and your resilience and getting into the flow of life