Why You Shouldn't Use Fragrance Oils In Your Perfumes

The Perfume Making Podcast - A podcast by Karen Gilbert - Mondays


This week on the show Karen is delving into fragrance oils and their role in perfumery.  Most people begin their perfume making journey using fragrance oils, but what are fragrance oils? Why should you try to avoid using them, or why you might want to use them? How can they be harmful and what should you look out for should you choose to work with them? All this and more is covered in this episode so you can become an expert on fragrance oils.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Karen breaks down what fragrance oils are, what they are commonly used for and what to look out for when buying them. What are the differences between fragrance oils and natural products, and why can two oils with the same name have a different scent? Karen breaks it down. Karen explains the difference between fragrance oils and other perfumery ingredients and why oils should never be mixed. There are some benefits of using fragrance oils. Karen talks you through the products that can benefit from their inclusion.  BEST MOMENTS “When you start with raw materials you gain a much deeper knowledge of scents and notes and how they combine. Fragrance oils don’t give you this opportunity.” “Fragrance oils are not consistent, so if your perfume is based on a particular oil and then the formula changes, your product will suffer.” “If you are going to use fragrance oils, make sure they are compliant and safe for your intended use.” VALUABLE RESOURCESGetting Started GuideArtisan Perfumery Mastermind   ABOUT THE HOSTFragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.  Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILSWebsiteInstagramFacebookYouTubeEmail

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