Project Piper – From InnerSource to Open Source

In this episode, our host Karsten Hohage talks with our guest Christoph Szymanski about Project Piper, an open source library for the creation of continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Christoph speaks about how Project Piper relates to the SAP-proprietary service “SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery“ and how Piper became a successful offering to anybody working with SAP development projects. We also learn why Christoph loves the unpopular task of writing tests and how these are the key factor to continuous delivery and integration.

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Sometimes it is not the obvious that makes a difference. And sometimes it is not the price that determines value. Sometimes it is just a drop that drives a wave. This podcast is about the difference, value or drop that open source can be. Each episode we talk with experts about open source related topics and why they do it the open source way.