How Intuit’s Corporate Security Team Demonstrates Value Through Human Connection and Mentorship

The power of human connection can be heavily underestimated in corporate security — a field where many professionals may feel they have to keep their heads down and keep grinding away to do everything possible to protect people and property. However, taking the time — even if it’s for a quick conversation in the parking lot or in the break room — can do more than getting to know a colleague. It can help prove the immense value that security brings to an organization and uncover future opportunities for collaboration and support.

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Want a behind-the-scenes look into some of history’s most famous security incidents? Are you a corporate security professional looking to grow your understanding of the industry? Want to learn what it takes to break the bias as a woman in this field? The Ontic Protective Intelligence Podcast brings some of the greatest minds in safety, security, and protection together to shape how we view the industry's future.