Episode 44 - Vocal warm ups and strategies for a 'slow to warm' voice

The Naked Vocalist | Advice and Lessons on Singing Technique, Voice Care and Style - Chris Johnson and Steve Giles - A podcast by Chris Johnson and Steve Giles


Welcome to The Naked Vocalist singing podcast. Whether you are a pro singer, novice, a performer or a vocal coach, there's something in here for you. Today we are giving you our best strategies for warming up your voice, particularly for those who feel they are slow to get going or suffer from morning voice.  For the supporting blog and extra info, please visit:http://www.thenakedvocalist.com/podcast/44And please share us! We'd love to reach more people.Website: http://thenakedvocalist.comFacebook: http://facebook.com/tnvquestionsSnapchat: nakedvocalistTwitter: http://twitter.com/tnvquestionsInstagram: http://instagram.com/thenakedvocalist

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