IN COURT: Erin Patterson fights to keep case local, appoints new lawyer

Accused mushroom murderer Erin Patterson has faced court for the first time in five months as she fights to keep her case in Gippsland and parts ways with her high-profile barrister.See for privacy information.

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The story of a seemingly ordinary family lunch that turned out to be anything but normal. Follow the journalists piecing together the puzzle of how three people died after sitting down to share a meal in the small Australian town of Leongatha, Victoria. With the woman who prepared that meal now accused of murder, The Mushroom Cook explores the story so far – and reports on the court hearings as Erin Patterson faces trial. For more visit: To unlock bonus content from The Mushroom Cook, and listen to episodes early and ad free, subscribe to Crime X+ on Apple Podcasts, or The Mushroom Cook will be released on Crime X+ from Friday 29 March. Follow us on socials for updates and more content on The Mushroom Cook and other award-winning podcasts Crime X+: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok Herald Sun: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok