The Internet Isn't Real...?

Jacey and Mary explore the intricacies of navigating the internet or maybe more how people navigate other people on the internet. There seems to be a lot of pressure as a mom to perpetuate yourself in a certain light online. A few years ago it seemed like you were most valuable as a mom online if you were the "Pinterest Perfect" mom, but that trend seems to have shifted to being a "Real" mom. One minute the social construct is to not be like a regular mom, but a cool mom (yes... I did just reference Mean Girls), but now it seems like the saying should be "I'm not a cool mom, I'm a real mom."  Is it even possible to  be a real mom on the internet or does the pressure of branding yourself as "real" take away from perpetuating a moms truest reality... is it even possible to convey a mom truest reality? We address these questions and more on todays episode. WE NOW HAVE A PATREON!! Help us keep the lights on't forget to follow us on social media @themothertruckingtruthSources:

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Helping moms embrace who they are by blowing up unrealistic expectations and laughing through the chaos of motherhood. Embracing Neuro Diversity.