#54 ﹣ Naseem Saloojee: How To Evaluate Business Opportunity and Market Potential

In this episode, Naseem Saloojee, the co-founder of Carbon6 shares expert tips on evaluating business opportunities and market potential. Learn practical strategies for navigating market analysis, identifying growth indicators, and making informed decisions. Naseem emphasizes the importance of trust and working with good people in building a successful partnership. Main Takeaways Building a strong partnership requires trust and complementary skill sets. The essentials of building strong partnerships based on trust and reliability. Assessing businesses and identifying their potential involves analyzing market share, customer needs, and growth opportunities.

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Welcome to the Million Dollar Sellers Podcast hosted by MDS Member Nick Shucet. In this podcast you’ll learn how these amazing E-Commerce entrepreneurs got started, the mistakes they made along the way, the wins they have celebrated and where they are now.