#47 - Inside Carbon6's Toolbox: Profitable Habits, Acquisitions, and Amazon Expertise with Justin Cobb

Join Nick Shucet and Justin Cobb from Carbon 6 in this podcast episode. They unravel Carbon 6's e-commerce triumphs, discussing significant milestones such as rapid growth, achieving profitability, and the strategic shifts that made it happen. Dive into the challenges encountered, the role of the e-commerce community, and Justin Cobb's entrepreneurial journey. In this episode you'll learn: Balancing growth and efficiency in a business transitioning to profitability. The value of community and networks in the fragmented e-commerce space. Practical tips for effective company acquisitions and integration strategies.

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Welcome to the Million Dollar Sellers Podcast hosted by MDS Member Nick Shucet. In this podcast you’ll learn how these amazing E-Commerce entrepreneurs got started, the mistakes they made along the way, the wins they have celebrated and where they are now.