143 Smart Technology for Night Sweat Reduction with Steve Rawlings

If you want an answer to your night sweats, we might just have one for you inside today's episode of the The Menopause Mindset Podcast. Join me in my conversation with fabric technician Steve Rawlings founder of Cool Embrace and learn about this marvellous new invention that dissipates heat away from the body in the middle of night.According to The Sleep Foundation around 41% of people experience night sweats and most of them are women (however there are non hormonal reasons for night sweats too including illness, medications, sleep apnea and stress).Disturbed sleep can leave us feeling irritable, foggy and even anxious the next day.  That's why I wanted to talk to Steve about his invention which has the potential to help thousands of people break the cycle of disturbed sleep from night sweats. It's a 25 minute quick listen and, if you suffer from night sweats, I do hope you'll find this of huge value.  Buy Cool Embrace Now:  https://coolembrace.com/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/coolembrace/Support the show

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I’m Sally Garozzo, award winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Peri to Post Menopause Wellness Coach & Creator of Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner. This is the place to be to get some answers and to feel supported along this often bumpy journey. It’s my mission to help peri to post menopausal women go from feeling anxious, alone and confused to feeling positive, informed and connected. Here you'll learn about lifestyle interventions and mindset shifts that can make this happen. Join me and my guests on a journey that will educate, empower and motivate you to make menopause a positive force in your life.