178. Rob Hosking. The trauma of policework

In this conversation, Rob, a former police officer, discusses his experiences and the challenges he faced in the police force. He emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and positive work environment to promote the well-being and happiness of staff. Rob believes that open communication and safe spaces for sharing personal stories are crucial in addressing the negative impact of the job. He also highlights the need for mandatory meetings to address mental health and create healthy habits within the organization. Rob shares his own struggles with mental health and the difficulty he faced in seeking help due to the stigma associated with it. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and supportive individuals. Rob also talks about his current work as a motivational speaker, where he focuses on increasing happiness in both personal and professional lives. The conversation touches on the negative impact of gossip and the need for a more compassionate and understanding culture within the police force. Rob and the other participants discuss the challenges of compartmentalizing emotions and the importance of facing and healing from traumatic experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for a shift in the culture of the police force to prioritize the well-being and mental health of its staff. It emphasizes the importance of open communication, support, and creating a positive work environment to promote happiness and resilience. https://www.linkedin.com/in/robrthosking/?originalSubdomain=uk https://riseofhappiness.com/about/

Om Podcasten

What types of organisation, institution and industries are performing work that tests human resilience and evokes powerful feelings of shame, sadness, fear and disgust? Does working with people who commit serious crimes like rape and murder affect the staff who work with them? How do you overcome adversity and protect yourself from burnout or compassion fatigue? Naomi Murphy and David Jones have decades of experience of working in prisons and other forensic settings. They host experts across a range of disciplines to discover what are some of the challenges that make a difference in fostering resilience and creativity in those who live and work in challenging organisations