174. Piers Cross; ’Do not grass’. Boarding school culture.

Piers Cross is a transformational coach specializing in working with men who feel stuck in their relationships. He helps men overcome and heal from trauma, boarding school issues, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and live a happier and more fulfilled life. He is also an artist, a poet and a musician. Piers went to boarding school from ages 11-18. It was an exceptionally challenging time. He changed his name to Simon and then Ziggy Cross. He lost a friend to suicide, a teacher attempted to sexually abuse him and he tried to take his own life. On the surface he was a sucess. Underneath he was hurting.   he then trained in International Business at universities in France and London. he worked for several Fortune 500 companies in Paris and London.   In 1997, while in London, he started on an internal journey and started to study meditation and different self-healing paradigms.

Om Podcasten

What types of organisation, institution and industries are performing work that tests human resilience and evokes powerful feelings of shame, sadness, fear and disgust? Does working with people who commit serious crimes like rape and murder affect the staff who work with them? How do you overcome adversity and protect yourself from burnout or compassion fatigue? Naomi Murphy and David Jones have decades of experience of working in prisons and other forensic settings. They host experts across a range of disciplines to discover what are some of the challenges that make a difference in fostering resilience and creativity in those who live and work in challenging organisations