186. Drew; The Moral Injury of Holding Terrifying Information

Drew; The Moral Injury of Holding Terrifying Information In this episode of the Locked Up Living podcast, hosts Naomi and David  delve into an engaging dialogue with professional organisational consultant and executive coach, Drew. They touch upon an array of topics from the nuances of team dynamics in institutional settings, diverse career paths, to the remarkable influence of psychotherapy. The conversation also explores the challenges of voicing concerns within the workplace. The episode traces Drew's unique journey from IT to psychotherapy, beginning from his early interest in people and problem-solving. Drew's experiences offer valuable insights into tackling professional issues while nurturing a passion for connecting with people. The episode further explores Drew's insights gained from transactional analysis and life scripts, highlighting the potential of personal growth via self-exploration and professional learning. The narrative captures Drew's shift from the challenging sphere of financial services to psychotherapy, ignited by an alarming incident at his workplace. A stark representation of workplace malpractice and the bravery required to stand up against them, Drew’s story stresses the importance of confronting such wrongdoings. The episode also delves into the intensely personal fallout of such experiences, including confusion, betrayal, and moral injury. However, the conversation moves beyond distress to reflect on resilience in the face of adversity. It emphasizes the need for safe and open dialogues in the face of injustice, with a crucial take-away: those in similar situations are not alone. The exchange explores the intricacies of organizational culture, discussing minor aggressions and a culture of silence that may lead to escalation of serious incidents. Drew challenges the widespread notion of whistleblowers  as disruptors, viewing them instead as responsible individuals illuminating issues in the workplace.(And he does not frame himself as one, rather he sees himself as someone who specialises in the nature authentic psychological safety and recognises the importance of disclosure in organisations.) We end with an exploration of ‘physis’ –or our energy presence in the world– Drew captures the essence of self-care, purposeful expression and healthy relationships. The discourse advocates for transformative cultural shifts in organizations towards transparency, courage, and conscious relational dynamics, reinforcing the role of voices and dialogues in these environments.

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What types of organisation, institution and industries are performing work that tests human resilience and evokes powerful feelings of shame, sadness, fear and disgust? Does working with people who commit serious crimes like rape and murder affect the staff who work with them? How do you overcome adversity and protect yourself from burnout or compassion fatigue? Naomi Murphy and David Jones have decades of experience of working in prisons and other forensic settings. They host experts across a range of disciplines to discover what are some of the challenges that make a difference in fostering resilience and creativity in those who live and work in challenging organisations