21. LIFERS - Herb Rosen
The LIFERS Podcast - A podcast by The LIFERS Podcast
A lot of balls in this one. Depending on who you ask — Herb Rosen is the owner of Liar’s Club, the bass player of Rights Of The Accused, the mayor of Chicago, the bass player for Beer Nuts, or a huge fan of podcasts. Herb talks about his college days in Madison, being the O.G. of the cowbell, KISS, that time Brian St. Clair beat him at his own game, the pros and cons of acid, broken femur bones, getting cut off by the nitrous guy at RFK stadium, and a whole bunch of other stuff that we had to cut out. This episode had to happen sometime — so it might as well happen today. Liar's Club: https://liarsclubchicago.com/ Companion Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/61Fz2Qh2fEWnZdTl3ZnGKV?si=477071401d354070 Local H Tour Dates: www.localh.com/tour.html LIFERS Podcast Mug: www.gandprecords.com/store/p180/The…offee_Mug.html 70 Movies We Saw in the 70s Podcast: @ben-reiser-605654396