Goldstein family parsha podcast | Yitro

Your Feedback please Every Sunday night, Gina and I sit down with our children to learn the weekly Torah portion together. Our focus is exploring the big picture. We do this by sharing, debating, arguing as a family, and – most importantly – by listening to each other and making space for every question and opinion around the table.    It’s one of the highlights of our week and we thought it would be great to share. We have created this pilot for a podcast and would love to know what you think. Is it something you would like to hear every week? And if that's a yes – let us know what you think we should name our podcast! Thanks for taking the time to listen. Let me know at [email protected]

Om Podcasten

Insights, ideas and inspiration mined from the weekly Torah portion and the classic commentaries, and distilled by South African Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein. Known as a “spiritual entrepreneur”, Rabbi Goldstein has launched and led a number of initiatives that have changed the face not only of his own community, but of world Jewry. In the Language of Tomorrow, he explores the Torah’s vision for creating a better society, and an inspired, meaningful life.