Rebuilding - Eating Disorder Recovery ep.1 | Joss Walden

REBUIDING, REDEFNING, REDISCOVERING - 3 R's to Eating Disorder RecoveryJoined again by the wonderful Joss Walden (@honeyareyouhappy) – psychology graduate, recovered anorexic, avid charity worked and mental health & eating disorder awareness advocate.Joss has curated somewhat of a theory – 3 distinct stages within eating disorder recovery. These being the processes of rebuilding, redefining and rediscovering.In this mini-series, each episode will explore the individual categories, breaking them down and providing insight based on our experiences and unique perspectives… hopefully inspiring you on your own recovery journey.In this fist episode, we discuss the multiple definitions of rebuilding and it’s facilitative influence in establishing the initial motivation to sustainably embark upon your recover journey.We discuss the prospect of rebuilding our bodies, our relationship with food, mindset, perspectives, and thus the lifestyle transformation and transition into a healthier routine.The value of identifying triggers is highlighted, and the overall priority to work from the foundation. Rather than solely focusing upon rectifying symptoms, this will allow you to metaphorically open a door to truly initiate an organic recovery. Despite the anxiety inducing nature of this and the feelings of vulnerability and exposure, this will allow you to step forward and almost allow you to regain a sense of clarity and control.Also, we note that recovery can’t be successful if it’s influenced solely externally. Recovery truly begins when you’ve decided to take those integral steps internally. Not when it’s enforced upon you by others. You need to make that choice. You need to be intrinsically motivated to pursue this journey for your overall health, wellbeing and life progression.Again, in terms of rebuilding, we focus on rebuilding a routine and consistency within recovery and rebuilding a social network to support you along your journey. Throughout this episode, the topic of internal resilience is raised, our experiences with hospitalisation and inpatient stays, weight restoration, healing anxiety around food, challenging fear foods, how eating disorders thrive in secrecy and the value of being vulnerable.

Om Podcasten

Keep Smiling is hosted by Lara Rebecca - a Cardiff based Mental Health & Eating Disorder Awareness Advocate. This podcast focuses upon wellbeing, mindset, and adversarial growth... featuring honest and authentic discussions with inspirational guests, with an aim to destigmatise the conversation circulating mental health, raise awareness, and provide hope to listeners.