#94 The Seven Steps of Carbonology - Reduce

The ISO Show - A podcast by Blackmores UK


This episode is Part 4 of our 7-part mini-series explaining our Carbonology service, a 7 step methodology to help companies become Carbon Neutral. This time, our resident Carbonologist David Algar is talking through the fourth step of the Carbonology process, ‘Reduce’. David explains how we can put our Carbon Reduction Plan into action so we can see clear tangible results in our reductions, and the benefits this brings to organisations and their employees. You’ll learn How the ‘Reduce’ phase in the Carbonology process works. How to monitor how successful your initiatives are. The importance of communicating your reduction plan to your staff. How to get your staff excited about your carbon reduction plan. The value of externally communicating your commitment to carbon reduction. How having a sustainability group can help your business. Resources Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme isology Hub Blackmores   In this episode, we talk about: [03:05] The ‘reduce’ phase of the Carbonology process. [04:36] The need to make your staff aware of your carbon reduction plan. [05:13] How to best manage communications with staff around carbon reductions. [06:36] How a carbon reduction plan can be beneficial for an organisation and their staff. [07:26] How to best monitor the success of your initiatives and the benefits this has. [11:11] The benefits of reducing your carbon footprint rather than offsetting it. If you need assistance with implementing ISO 14064, PAS 2060, or another standard – Contact us! We’d love to hear your views and comments about the ISO Show, here’s how: Share the ISO Show on Twitter or Linkedin Leave an honest review on iTunes or Soundcloud. Your ratings and reviews really help and we read each one. Subscribe to keep up-to-date with our latest episodes: Stitcher | Spotify | YouTube |iTunes | Soundcloud

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