S2 E23 | Enabling the Smart Cities of Tomorrow | Ralph Varcoe - MD, Connexin

In S2 episode 23, Ralph Varcoe MD and Chief Growth Officer at Connexin joins the show to talk about the impact of smart cities 🏙🌱 on communities, and optimising tech in order to make it more accessible for local authorities.Sit back, relax, tune in and be the first to discover...🏙  Ralph's background in IoT 00:00-05:53🌱 What are the key IoT Solutions that Connexin cover? 05:53-09:55🏙  What industries are seeing the most prominent growth? 05:53-09:55🌱 What are the common challenges faced by cities and communities? 09:55-15:33🏙  How are IoT and Connexin’s Smart City Solutions enabling innovation in this area to improve these barriers? 15:33-18:44🌱 What needs to be done to get more governments and councils on board to build sustainable cities that address the challenges of our time? 15:33-18:44🏙 What role with Connexin play in the future so Smart City communities? 15:33-30:59And much more!LISTEN ON THE GO👇 iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/ykykdrm5 Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/ye2dqgy4 Google: https://tinyurl.com/yecnatrp Join the community and stay up to date🗓 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-iot-podcast/Twitter: @theiotpodcast Follow Ralph: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralphvarcoe/Find out more about Connexin: https://www.connexin.co.uk/ ABOUT THE GUESTS Ralph Varcoe is the MD and Chief Growth Officer at Connexin, an innovative and disruptive technology company specialising in building and operating award-winning Smart City Infrastructure to support the Internet of Things.THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR This episode is proudly sponsored by The IoT Jobsite, the world's only dedicated job site for IoT. To find out more contact [email protected] Check out The IoT Jobsite here: https://www.theiotjobsite.com

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IoT Talks and Tales The IoT Podcast is joined by the most influential leaders in IoT every Monday to break down the current and up & coming IoT trends, unravel the misconceptions, doubts and forecast predictions on the ongoing journey for the Internet of Things. This podcast will have something for everyone, whether you’re an entrepreneur searching for fresh ideas or the lessons learned, an engineer always looking to be one step ahead with the latest solutions, or someone with a pure enthusiasm for IoT. Every episode is unique and has a significant practical takeaway that you can use in your application or for your own inspiration or business. Ready to explore? Discover now.