Designing For The Third Age

The Interior Design Business - A podcast by Wildwood


In this episode, we're looking at design for the Third Age. The term “Third Age” was first coined by British historian, Peter Laslett, in 1987. His theory on positive ageing stated that life consists of Four Ages, with the Third Age being that period immediately after retirement,generally characterised by health, vigour, on-going personal achievement and a positive attitude to life. The truth is that we all want to remain living well and independently into our Third Age for as long as we can. How can designers approach the design of interior spaces, both public and private, that will allow people to enjoy every aspect of their lives to the full, for the longest possible time? Lori Pinkerton-Rolet, Principal at Park Grove Design, a Past President of the British Institute of Interior Design, and an expert practitioner in this field joins us to explore the challenges and the opportunites of designing for the Third Age. This episode is recorded in the Clerkenwell showroom of Hitch Mylius.

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