Theatre As A Change Agent, Pt. III: Curiosity, Resilience, and The Creative Spark in Each of Us
The Infinite Room - A podcast by Lookingglass Theatre Company

Lookingglass’ Department of Curiosity brings theater as a tool for change to inquisitive minds and burning hearts of all ages in classrooms and communities all over Chicago. Central to that work (and play!) is our premise that everyone is innately creative – we don’t all get to express that creativity as often as we wish, but it’s there inside all of us, waiting to be released. Lookingglass’ Director of Education Mara Stern Caesar, Teaching Artist Freddie Ramos, and Young Ensemble Member Harmony Elise discuss how arts experiences shaped them as kids, how collaboration is their greatest teacher, and how, even at a time when collaboration has more obstacles than ever, they keep their creative embers burning.