Using VR for Good: Reducing Bias & Improving DEI with Dr. Robin Rosenberg #44

Using VR for Good: Reducing Bias and Improving DEI with Dr. Robin Rosenberg #44 Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast sofa by Dr. Robin Rosenberg is the CEO and Founder of and she is a clinical psychologist and textbook author who has had both psychotherapy and executive coaching practices in the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City. She is also author of the best-selling book, The Psychology of Superheroes Robin is board certified in clinical psychology and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California in San Francisco and she is also the author of a number of psychology books including Superhero Origins: What Makes Superheroes Tick and Why We Care. Robin has been interested in virtual reality (VR) for years, and was the lead author of a study to investigate using “VR for good.” She has combined her interest in immersive technologies with her coaching and clinical experiences to foster in employees a deeper understanding of how and why other people may feel slighted or marginalized, and how to approach such interactions differently. After decades with successful psychotherapy and coaching practices, Robin founded Live in Their World, which combines the science of psychology and emotional and cognitive learning, with immersive virtual reality and online learning and Live in Their World is committed to addressing incivility and demographic-based bias, such as that related to race/ethnicity and gender, to help create workplaces that are more respectful for all. In this “Using VR for Good: Reducing Bias and Improving DEI” episode with Dr. Robin Rosenberg on The HR L&D Podcast, we also explore: * What got you interested in exploring bias, diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI)? * How does your background as a psychologist influence the work you are doing with Live in Their World? * Can you tell me more about bias & discrimination and what can be done by businesses to overcome it? * Live in Their World utilises virtual reality as part of its program, especially as it can be used to help understand bias – can you tell us more about this? * You have also written a book titled The Psychology of Superheroes and a paper titled Virtual Superheroes: Using Superpowers in Virtual Reality to Encourage Prosocial Behaviour. Can you tell us a little more about your motivations behind these and your findings? * What have been some sustaining moments since you founded Live in Their World? * What was the impact of COVID-19 on your business? * Do you think remote work will remain feasible after the pandemic is over? * What are likely to be the most challenging aspects in having a remote or hybrid workforce? Links highlighted in this “Using VR for Good: Reducing Bias and Improving DEI” episode are included below: * Website: * LinkedIn Profile: Dr. Robin Rosenberg * White Paper: Best Practices for Giving and Receiving Feedback * Send your questions to Robin:

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