Empowering Performance in Leadership with Sumit Gupta #48

Empowering Performance in Leadership with Sumit Gupta #48 Nick Day is joined on The HR L&D Podcast sofa by emotional intelligence, communication and leadership coach, Sumit Gupta who is a qualified Leadership Coach who has worked with teams and individual in India and Europe for the past 15 years. Sumit has researched and studied the psychology and neuroscience behind human behavior and leadership and he has used this knowledge to help others to realise how powerful and influential they are. Sumit coaches changemakers from both the business world to help them see past their own challenges, to enable them to make a big impact in the world. In fact, I think it is fair to say that helping others to realise how powerful they are is what Sumit is all about, and that’s why I have invited him onto the HR L&D Podcast today, as I hope that, over the next 45 minutes or so, he may be able to unlock some of the greatness inside you, our listeners – so let’s get started and allow me to welcome Sumit Gupta to the show! In this “Empowering Performance in Leadership” episode with Sumit Gupta on The HR L&D Podcast, we also explore: * What does the word Human Resources mean to you? * What are the 3 main factors behind people underselling themselves? * What is the relationship between leadership and learning - especially for higher-level leadership positions? * What is the relevance/importance of coaching when it comes to leadership? * What are the factors regularly leads to excellence in individuals and team performance? * What are a few simple steps leaders can take to expand the capacity and performance of people? * What is often missing in organisations which stops them from achieving their business, relational, and/or cultural goals? * Why is it important that leaders and individuals take the time to reflect on what their own core values are? * Of all the books you have read and reviewed, if you could only pick one to recommend – what would it be and why? Links highlighted in this “Empowering Performance in Leadership” episode are included below: * Website: https://www.deployyourself.com * Newsletter: https://www.deployyourself.com/newsletter/ * Sumit's LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sumit4all/ * IGL website: https://generateleadership.com/ * The host of The HR L&D Podcast - LinkedIn Profile: Nick Day * Leading HR Recruiters: JGA HR Recruitment Of course, if you are an HR or L&D Leader listening to this podcast and you have an HR-related vacancy that you would love some specialist human resources recruitment support with – please also get in touch with me!  I would love to help show you what a great HR recruitment experience feels like!  You can reach out to me directly at [email protected] or give me a call – 01727800377 www.jgarecruitment.com Thanks for listening, folks – I look forward to bringing you the next episode of the HR L&D Podcast real soon!

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This HR L&D Podcast is focused on helping HR and learning and development professionals to get the best out of their workforce by providing advice, guidance and best practice initiatives that will help develop the skills and capabilities that can drive the performance of your company. With advice provided by HR and L&D industry leaders, we cover a range of subjects including content curation, technology, organisational development, recruitment, strategy, performance and training practices that will help you to get the best out of your workforce. This HR and L&D Podcast aims to help you boost company performance by unearthing best practice techniques that will genuinely help HR and L&D professionals to align and execute learning, training and development strategies with requirements and priorities of your company. If you are an HR or Learning and Development professional responsible for boosting company performance, evaluating training programmes, delivering coaching and mentoring initiatives or developing training strategy then this HR L&D Podcast is for you. We hope our episodes will become a critical tool that helps you to accelerate your learning so that you can develop agile, innovative and responsive learning and development strategies that will, in turn, provide your organisation with the capability required to execute its goals. Please enjoy, subscribe, like, review and share this HR L&D Podcast and add it your favourites! This HR L&D Podcast is sponsored by Think Learning who empower organisations to create safer and better places to work through the implementation of Totara Learn, a fully featured Learning Management System. Contact [email protected] to find out more (quote the HR L&D Podcast when you make contact) In the meantime, if you have any HR or L&D recruitment requirements that JGA HR Recruitment Services can assist with, please do reach out to me at [email protected]. We are specialist HR recruiters with over 100 years of expert HR recruitment expertise (quote "The HR L&D Podcast" to receive a 20% discount on all Terms of business). You can also download free HR whitepapers and a wealth of HR articles on our website. Find out more by visiting us at jamesgray.wpengine.com. Contact us today to find out more. Tel: 01727 800 377. Email [email protected]