Weathering the Storms with Compassion

If you live in Mississippi, the guest on this episode needs no introduction. Dr. Meredith Travelstead is loved locally, and there's no secret why. Her passion for her patients as an OB-GYN at The Woman's Clinic, and her love for her family and community, make her one of the most loved physicians in the state. On the podcast, she's sharing how her life and marriage have had their share of ups and downs, but how she has weathered the storms while still caring for patients in her demanding career as a doctor. Her stories are inspiring, and the way she authentically lives her life is something all working moms can admire. 

Om Podcasten

For the working moms who sometimes feel like you fit somewhere in between all the other mom categories, this one's for you! We're two working mamas sharing stories of other working moms. We're not crunchy moms, Pinterest Moms, or boss moms, we're just moms finding blessing in the balance of the home and the hustle. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thehomeandthehustle.