Navigating the Pursuit of Your Dream Job

Just because we're mamas doesn't mean we don't have our own pursuits and dreams. Dr. Wendy Lewis, also known as the "Red Dress Dentist" has been driven and laser focused from day one. She knew from an early age what her career pursuit was, and she didn't let anything stand in her way. Listen to this episode as we talk about the village it takes to support her successful career (like her supportive, stay-at-home husband/dad) and how she handled the curveballs of infertility and kept moving. If you’re hustling hard to make your dream job your reality, this is your episode. 

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For the working moms who sometimes feel like you fit somewhere in between all the other mom categories, this one's for you! We're two working mamas sharing stories of other working moms. We're not crunchy moms, Pinterest Moms, or boss moms, we're just moms finding blessing in the balance of the home and the hustle. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thehomeandthehustle.