S8e5: Os Alvarez – The Magic in Really Being Seen

When Os Alvarez speaks of the newfound emotional intimacy he now knows in his relationships and the power of living from his heart, you can feel the depth of his heart as he speaks. Os had a profoundly life-changing experience at the Hoffman Process in 2019. As he saw the effect that his childhood patterns had on his childhood and adult life, he came to find great compassion for the beauty of the child that still lives within him. Os now brings the power of this intimacy to his work as a personal and business strategist. The son of a prominent Venezuelan politician whose name he was given, Os shares stories of the difficulties he experienced growing up in this environment. While his family was very loving and supportive, life was challenging growing up under these circumstances. As an adult, these patterns eventually caused what Os calls existential suffering. In 2014, Os divorced. In 2015, his best friend and business partner, a person he loved and was very close to, died from cancer. Before these events, he experienced a panic attack for the first time. But these two losses pushed Os to start on a journey. He began to meditate. He went to Costa Rica to try Ahyuasca. And then, he found the Hoffman Process. Os shares that during the weekend after the Process, he felt his heart fully open. But even more than this, the Process gave him a framework and tools to take into his life moving forward so he could continue the work to transform patterns and come to appreciate seeing his blind spots. If you ask Os what the most profound change is in his life now, it is his relationships - the people and the intimacy in them. He recently married again, and on that day he felt gratitude for these beautiful, emotionally intimate relationships. This podcast is about bringing the transformation we experienced during the Process into our lives so that this transformation can radiate into the greater world. Os' story is a beautiful example of Love's Everyday Radius. More about Os Alvarez: Os Alvarez is more than just a personal and business strategist; he's a companion on your journey to success and fulfillment. With a deep-seated commitment to helping founders and entrepreneurs flourish both in business and in life, Os brings a unique blend of authenticity and expertise to the table. His own transformative experience, transitioning from a scripted life fueled by ambition to one imbued with meaning and purpose, catalyzed by the loss of his closest friend, ignited a passion for guiding others toward their truest selves. As co-founder of The Real Authentic Way, Goodness Education, and The Local Leaders Collective, Os creates spaces where individuals can authentically connect and thrive. Os serves as a trusted coach for members of esteemed organizations like Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) and Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), while also lending his guidance as an Endeavor Miami Mentor. A graduate of Yale University with an MBA in Finance and Strategy, Os resides in Miami, where his dedication to holistic growth and genuine connection permeates every aspect of his work. Follow Os on Instagram and LinkedIn.   As mentioned in this episode: Psychedelics Ayahuasca Costa Rica Os' Father Panic attack Victim Consciousness (Mentality) - •   Unraveling the Mindset of Victimhood Chopra Center Meditation Rhythmia Center, Costa Rica Quote Os mentioned: “I inherited half my father’s friends and all his enemies.” — George W. Bush The Local Leaders Collective in Miami Brené Brown Ian Salvage, Os' Hoffman teacher/coach Hoffman Tools Mentioned: Trigger and going within.

Om Podcasten

Love’s everyday radius is an inspiring collection of conversations with graduates of the Hoffman Process and those impacted by their ripple of change. Our aim is to highlight how the Process enhances reciprocity, gratitude, and responsibility toward the whole. The Hoffman Process is about more than individuals healing themselves. When you change yourself from within, your actions change and you become an integral part of the healing of the world through your own “everyday radius.” Podcast hosts: Drew Horning, Sharon Mor, Liz Severin | Sound engineer: Walt Hubis | Executive Producer: Julie Daley | Podcast Music: Radius of Spirit by Walt Hubis. The Hoffman Quadrinity Process®, founded by Bob Hoffman in 1967 is a week-long residential and personal growth retreat that helps participants identify negative behaviors, moods, and ways of thinking that developed unconsciously and were conditioned in childhood. The Hoffman Process will help you become conscious of and disconnected from negative patterns of thought and behaviors on an emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual level in order to make significant positive changes in your life. You will learn to remove habitual ways of thinking and behaving, align with your authentic self, and respond to situations in your life from a place of conscious choice. The Hoffman Institute Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to transformative adult education, spiritual growth, and the personal dimensions of leadership. We serve a diverse population from all walks of life, including business professionals, stay-at-home parents, therapists, students, tradespeople, and those seeking clarity in all aspects of their lives.