The Guerrilla Crafts Podcast 4: Sarah Corbett
The Guerrilla Crafts Podcast - A podcast by Frida Arnqvist Engström

I am really glad to welcome Sarah Corbett to The Guerrilla Crafts Podcast. Being a former activist becoming a craftivist in 2008 she has ever since been working with successful campaigns using craft as a tool to change the world. She started the Craftivist Collective 2009, and through this network she has worked to change laws, policies, hearts and minds around the world with quiet, and compassionate craftivism. She is a professional campaigner and spokesperson for her craftivist methodology - she is running workshops and giving talks on the subject. Her latest book is called How to be a Craftivist, the art of gentle protest and in this episode we are talking about the gentle protest as a way for her to work with subjects that engage her - injustices, climate changes, living wages and inequalities. We are also talking about what keeps her motivated, if she has reached her goals and how she manages to stay true to the motto of being the change you wish to see in the world.