The Appeal of Horror

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

We’re back, and we’re mulling over a topic suggested to us by good friend of the Good Friends, Tore Nielsen: what is the appeal of horror? Apparently this is a huge subject, and even pinning down what exactly we mean by horror took as long as some of our shorter episodes. Paul has worked tirelessly to edit all this rambling down to a reasonable length, but I fear this may be the episode that finally breaks him. Our discussion veers all over the place, like a teenage camper trying to escape an axe-wielding maniac. We take in films, television, books and games in our attempt to try to work out what appeals to us about horror, as well as looking at our own personal reactions to fear, violence and the uncanny. As usual, we come to three entirely different conclusions, but unlike other episodes, none of us are wrong in our opinions. Not that I hold grudges. Oh no.