Special: Necronomicon 2017 Call of Cthulhu Scenarios

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

We’re back — well, sort of. For the first time since we moved to a regular fortnightly schedule, some 2 1/2 years ago, we are unable to put out a full episode. I’ve been a bit ill recently, which has made it difficult for us to meet and record. We normally have a stockpile of episodes for such eventualities, but we’ve used them all up. Barring catastrophe, we will meet this weekend to record two new episodes, one of which will go out next week. This means we should still manage two proper episodes this month. Apologies if you are one of the recent backers we haven’t managed to thank yet. There will be songs next week! To tide you over until then, here’s the last of the special episodes we recorded at Necronomicon 2017. This is the panel discussion about favourite Call of Cthulhu scenarios. Paul is joined by Chad Bouchard (AKA Keeper Chad of the Miskatonic University Podcast), Christopher Smith Adair (regular Call of Cthulhu scenario writer) and Badger McInnes. Once again, Mike Mason moderates. Each panellist chooses their favourite published scenario and explains what makes it so good. I shan’t spoil the surprises for you, but let’s just say that the choices are pleasingly eclectic.