R’lyeh Roulette

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

In this episode, we play a game of sorts. No, this isn’t an actual play recording — Scott hasn’t been allowed to do that since the injunction. This is something a bit weirder. Matt has catalogued all the spells listed in every Call of Cthulhu supplement that Chaosium have published and entered them all in a spreadsheet. It is the only spreadsheet around that inflicts 1D10 SAN loss. Normally you need Powerpoint to do that kind of damage. Given access to such a resource, of course we had to abuse it horribly. This abuse takes the form of a game we started out calling R’lyeh roulette, but also ended up as Lengian lucky dip, Tcho-Tcho tombola or the Pnakotic pools. To play this game, we rolled a bunch of dice (a D8 and two D10s, if you must know) to randomly select one of the 752 spells in Matt’s spreadsheet of horrors. We then tried to work out how we would based a scenario around this spell, brainstorming ideas as we went. Sadly we never got the entry for Attract Fish. We may have to save that for a follow-up episode. Of course, not every spell we selected was suitable, but Paul has kindly edited out most of the terrible choices. If only all life worked that way. What was left was rather fun, and the next game is to see which of us can use all these ideas ahead of the others! Edit: As the estimable Mr Steve Dempsey points out in the comments, the Saaamaaa Ritual is from William Hope Hodgson‘s _Carnacki the Ghost Finder_ stories. Considering the number of times Scott has referred to these as his favourite supernatural tales, the oversight is doubly embarrassing.