Props and Handouts

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

We’re back, and we’re getting physical. This time we’re taking a look at all those neat little things that Keepers can give to players in the course of a game, excepting the keen sense of their own mortality and deepened appreciation of their unimportance in a vast and uncaring cosmos. That stuff’s a given. We discuss the different functions of handouts and props, including building atmosphere, providing at-table references and hiding information in plain sight. To avoid being too abstract, we flesh these out with examples of handouts and props that have impressed us, and things we have made with our very own appendages. Matt gives us a few tips for designing your own handouts, as this is really his area of expertise: one of his handouts generally involves more work than any of Scott’s scenarios. To avoid being too positive, we also discuss some of the potential pitfalls of making or using props. As we warned you in the last show notes, we break into song twice this episode. Two brave and generous souls have backed us at the $5 level on Patreon, so we sing each of their praises. One of numbers is graced with an impromptu beatbox backing track. This is what happens when you make a bunch of odd noises to test the new pop filters and Paul decides to add them to the mix. I will know better next time. Speaking of Patreon, the first issue of The Blasphemous Tome fanzine is nearing completion and will head out to backers some time in March. Anyone who is backing us on Patreon at the end of February will receive a copy (or two at the $5 level). The ‘zine is packed with articles, including a scenario, named The Horror From the Shed, a look back at some of our old episodes, the secret history of Attract Fish, Matt doing horrible things to dice that have failed him, and my personal guide to growing the perfect beard. We’ve had a lot of fun making this, and shall definitely do a second issue next year.