Hot War

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

This latest episode isn’t quite what it was meant to be. We started out believing that each of us would talk for a while about our favourite non-Lovecraftian horror RPG, but then Scott went on for so long that he took up an entire episode. The upshot is that this is an entire episode about Hot War, the post-apocalyptic SF/horror RPG from Contested Ground Studios. As you’ll hear in more detail in the episode, Hot War is set in an alternate 1963 where the Cuban missile crisis went horribly wrong. Everything centres on a London that is facing the horrors of deprivation, widespread destruction, monsters that were once human and the rising spectre of fascism. You could also use 1980s Dundee as the setting with very few tweaks. We recorded a second episode, discussing Matt’s choice, but that’s going to have to wait for a fortnight. In the meantime, you could always download the demonstration pack (which, in the interests of full disclosure, was written by Scott) and preview of Hot War if you want to see what we’ve been rambling on about.