The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - A podcast by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tuesdays

We’re back, and we’re staring death straight in its empty, pitiless eyes. This episode is our discussion of death in games. Well, specifically it’s a look at the different ways we can handle the deaths of player characters, the approaches to death taken by various RPGs, character deaths we’ve found particularly memorable and suggestions for ways you can make death meaningful and interesting. So, a real bundle of laughs. All this morbid introspection was prompted by listener Tim Vert, who sent us a message via Patreon to ask us our thoughts on death in RPGs. We are always open to suggestions from listeners, as long as they are entertaining, anatomically feasible and legal in the United Kingdom (or at least carry little risk of us getting caught). In fact, this episode also sees us trying out a new segment inspired by another listener. Back in March, Tom McGrenery used Google+ to ask for our advice on an eldritch problem. The discussion thread this spawned amused us so much that we thought we’d try a variant of it on the podcast. You’ll find our first attempt, titled Ask Jackson, at the end of this episode. Obviously we have no wisdom of our own to share, but we are able to channel the spirit of Jackson Elias, and he is only too willing to offer advice from beyond the grave (between you and me, it can get a bit irritating, especially when he starts criticising my driving). If you have any questions you’d like us to pass on, please ask them via Google+, Facebook, Twitter or email. If all goes according to plan, our next few episodes will be somewhat unusual. We shall drop shuddering and abhorrent hints on social media soon.