Greatest Hits: 8 Mindset Shifts that had the Biggest Impact on My Business

The Get Paid Podcast: The Stark Reality of Entrepreneurship and Being Your Own Boss - A podcast by Claire Pelletreau - Thursdays


There’s so much we can learn from other people’s journeys, so I wanted to end season 5 of the Get Paid Podcast sharing a little bit about my own business-building journey and some of the mindset shifts and realizations I’ve had about being a business owner. Most of them are recent, others have been percolating for a few years, but I believe all of them are going to help me (and hopefully some of you) keep going.  “What would you do if you were the best fucking copywriter or designer or business coach or ad consultant? What would you start doing if it was proven that you were the absolute best?”  — Claire Pelletreau    This Week on the Get Paid Podcast Why focusing on tactics versus mindsets was detrimental for me  Mindset Shift #1: 'Believing what's possible'  Why the name 'Million Dollar Badass' rubbed me the wrong way  Mindset Shift #2: Why investing money for accountability works for me  Mindset Shift #3: Why investing money for time works for me  Why I hire copywriters  Mindset shift #4: Your price will always be wrong for some people Mindset shift #5: Not babysitting other people's investment  Mindset shift #6: Everyone is a fucking mess  Mindset shift #7: "Confidence is really important, really Claire?"  Operating from the place that I'm the fucking best  Mindset shift #8: Investing money for confidence works for me  Resources Mentioned:     ‘What does it take to make a million dollars?’ Episode 257 of The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo Mariah Coz Claire’s Episode on Mariah’s Podcast Rachel Rodgers Making a Million Dollars by Rachel Rodgers The Accelerator by Mariah Coz Natalie Taylor from The Missing Ink (Copywriter) ‘Everything I Did to Close Out a $220k year’ Episode 57 of the Get Paid Podcast Eman Zabi from The Scribesmith (Copywriter) James Wedmore (6 to 7 figures) Jessica Eley  (Mindset Coach) ‘Courtney Sanders: Rejecting the Guru Track’ Episode 61 of the Get Paid Podcast Joel Klettke (“this guy Joel from The Copywriter Club conference”) Lacy Boggs from the Content Direction Agency (Copywriter) Sarah Ancalmo Ashman from Public Persona   Connect with me:   Website Instagram Step up Your Facebook Ads Game   Today’s episode is brought to you by our Free Facebook Ads Masterclass. Five ad formulae that sell online courses on autopilot. People tell me all the time that even thinking about getting started with Facebook and Instagram ads feels incredibly overwhelming, and I don't blame them. It isn’t easy! That's why I recorded this masterclass to teach you about just 5 ads that you can use to sell more of your online course group program or mastermind.    Sign up, watch it, and then I want you to just choose one of those five ads to focus on to start, get instant access to the training here.  Now it’s time to GET PAID   Thanks for tuning into the Get Paid Podcast! If you enjoyed today’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe, rate, and leave your honest review. Connect with me on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, visit my website for even more detailed strategies, and be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media.   Now, it’s time to go get yourself paid.

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