S9 Ask Dr Hazel: Is there a link between mirena coil and mood? 

Welcome back to Ask Dr Hazel, our mini episodes that drop each week.Our listener question this week is : “I would love to hear your thoughts on the mirena coil as contraception and whether I experience the same hormonal highs and lows as a women having normal periods?” I hope you found that helpful - perhaps send it to someone you know it might help also. If you are thinking about stopping or changing your form of contraception, make sure to book in a call with your GP to discuss it first.Ps. make sure to go back to episode 5 of season 9 to listen to our podcast all about contraception with the lowdown team.

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Welcome to The Food Medic podcast hosted by medical doctor, personal trainer, blogger, and author, Dr. Hazel Wallace. In this podcast you will hear from leading experts in their field who share evidence based advice on how we can live healthier lives and cut through the confusing information that we find online. For more information you can find Hazel at www.thefoodmedic.co.uk or on social media instagram, twitter, and facebook @TheFoodMedic. The Food Medic for Life books is out now which is available online on amazon and in most good book stores.