Ep 77 Starting as You Mean to Go On

The pressure to conform to “societal norms” never goes away as we get older. And for those of us who bend under that pressure, they may even get all too unbearable down the line. So how do we catch ourselves before it’s too late?  In this episode, Joanna shows you how to stay true to yourself as an introvert while honoring your relationships and your partner. You will also learn about the Five Love Languages and how they can apply to your romantic relationship. So tune in and begin your journey to being authentically and unapologetically you with Joanna today!    KEY POINTS: How to start as you mean to go on as an introvert.   The keys to any healthy romantic relationship.  What are the Five Love Languages and how do they apply to relationships?  7 ways to stay true to yourself.   PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking this quiz: yourintroverttype.co.uk/ Visit Joanna’s website here: flourishingintroverts.com/ Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook community of like-minded introverts here: web.facebook.com/groups/Introvertscorner/?_rdc=1&_rdr Flourishing Introverts is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)

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Even though around half of any population identify as introverts, this is one aspect of diversity and inclusion that is often overlooked. Every Thursday join flourishing introvert and TEDx speaker Joanna Rawbone MSc, as she explores the costly challenges that introverts face on a regular basis. With her typically pragmatic approach, Joanna’s show includes a mix of 10-minute topics, interviews with inspirational introverts and episodes on how to get the best from introverts. If you are an introvert who is ready to begin or continue flourishing, a manager looking to access the potential of the introverts in your team or the loved one of an introvert wanting to understand how to improve your relationship, this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for.