Ep 169 What Really Frustrates Introverts

Have you ever experienced situations that leave you tearing your hair out, playing small, or that have you retreat in despair? And how do you respond if and when it happens? In this episode, Joanna shares an experience that leads her to reflect on things that frustrate us as introverts. Our host goes through a list of frustrations shared by her clients, some of which may be familiar to you. Listen and discover the strategies you can use whenever you find yourself getting wound up and have the power to make changes that will allow you to show up authentically and confidently. KEY POINTS: A selection of things that frustrate an introvert Useful strategies we can use to manage the situations Decide to take action rather than complain PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: Email your suggested topics to [email protected] Authentic Assertiveness Masterclasses May 9th & 10th 2023 find out more here The Art of Being Yourself by Caroline McHugh here  What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking this quiz: yourintroverttype.co.uk  Visit Joanna’s website here: flourishingintroverts.com  Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook community of like-minded Introverts here: web.facebook.com/groups/Introvertscorner

Om Podcasten

Even though around half of any population identify as introverts, this is one aspect of diversity and inclusion that is often overlooked. Every Thursday join flourishing introvert and TEDx speaker Joanna Rawbone MSc, as she explores the costly challenges that introverts face on a regular basis. With her typically pragmatic approach, Joanna’s show includes a mix of 10-minute topics, interviews with inspirational introverts and episodes on how to get the best from introverts. If you are an introvert who is ready to begin or continue flourishing, a manager looking to access the potential of the introverts in your team or the loved one of an introvert wanting to understand how to improve your relationship, this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for.