End Time Technology - ARE YOU BEING DECIEVED?

Welcome to Enlightenment.Most people go with the flow, Even dead fish flow in torrent waters.How many of you out there realize how you are being deceived by the technologythat surrounds you ,Open your laptop and you will see the words "Your Feed" Microsoft reminds you in the event of a disrupted internet connection " Your feed could not Load" Have you wondered what they are feeding you and who is feeding you this garbage,You are what you eat. In This episode the author enlightens you with simple truth.End Time Technology- Are You Being Deceived. a four part series of 15 minutes each ,  

Om Podcasten

Welcome, I am glad you can join me on the New Series of Podcast. What an amazing time to be here on the Planet. My journey through the seven church ages came to a close and this Evangelist is ready to go to Africa. These new podcasts are spirit driven unobtrusive research and they come to you packed with a spiritual punch. May you be blessed as you listen to them.