6: Tryn Rose Seley - Helping People Remember Who They Are With a Single Photograph
The Family Photographer - A podcast by Jenny Stein

Today's show is with an old friend of mine, Tryn Rose Seley. Tryn Rose works with people who have dementia and has written a book titled, Fifteen Minutes of Fame: One Photos Does Wonders To Bring You Both Back to Solid Ground. In her work, Tryn Rose has found the power of photographs to help people with Alzheimer’s remember who they are. The photos also help the people who care for them have a way to connect with their loved one. Sometimes it’s a photo from the patient’s life, sometimes the photo is of something they love. Tryn Rose also talks about how photographs can help all of us connect with the people around us. See more at The Family Photographer website. Support the show! Give $12 today. Next week on the show Troy Colby.