Ep 50: The Opportunity of Adversity: an audio love note to you, my team!

If you're feeling a little wonky or exhausted, this is the quick audio love note, pep talk, perspective shakeup for you! On the show, I share a short keynote I recently gave before a charity walk, in which I celebrate the opportunity of adversity. And before you say "nope," because I understand why you might (hello...it's not always helpful to find the silver lining in all moments; sometimes it's okay to just feel bad about a challenge), this isn't that kind of pep talk. My words will allow your brain peace and perspective as you--and your children--navigate the tricky moments of having a human brain. Sending you so much love, Sarah PS If this is the kind of message your school, group, or workplace needs to hear, reach out! I customize trainings and keynotes to meet your group's needs and specialize in growing groups' awareness and support of neurodiverse and differently-abled humans! Previous trainings include Cepheid, The Humane Society, Minnesota Department of Education, Sacramento County Department of Education...and more! I love this work and would be honored to support your group, too! Audience: all ages and contexts

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Helpful, fun, and effective strategies to support kids' executive function! Learn how to coach your child to manage attention, organize, and plan! Inspiration for families with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and more!