#58: Not Your Grandparents’ Antifascism

The Ex-Worker - A podcast by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective

In episode #56, we covered the repercussions of the violent showdown that took place between fascists and counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12. The month since then has seen massive anti-fascist demonstrations around the US and a backlash in which liberal “centrists” have joined the far right in attempting to portray those who resist fascism as being no better than the fascists who murdered Heather Heyer in Charlottesville in the course attempting to bring about another Holocaust. In this episode, we back up a bit to offer some background on contemporary fascism and the struggle against it, refute hostile propaganda from the corporate media, and present some points of departure from which to strategize the future of the anti-fascist movement. Along the way, we hear from author Mark Bray, debunk myths about “free speech,” and break up with Noam Chomsky, who helped get some of us into this stuff but is really losing his grip in his old age. This episode includes complete audio versions of several important texts that have appeared on crimethinc.com recently, including “Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism,” “Why We Fought in Charlottesville,” and the interview “Squaring off against Fascism: Critical Reflections from the Front Lines.” {September 12, 2017}   -------SHOW NOTES------   Table of Contents: Introduction {0:01} Excerpts from Ex-Worker Episode 11 {2:03} It’s Over, Noam {9:30} Essay: ‘Myths about Antifa’ by Spencer Sunshine {15:47} Free Speech FAQ {17:49} Democracy Now Interview with Mark Bray {25:56} CrimethInc. Essay: Why We Fought in Charlottesville {36:52} CrimethInc. Essay: Squaring off against Fascism {46:29} CrimethInc. Essay: Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism {1:06:06} Conclusion {1:32:11} We included excerpts from our discussion of fascism and anti-fascism from Ex-Worker Episode 11; we’d recommend revisiting that episode for an analysis of contemporary fascism and the resistance anarchists have mounted to it, including the history of Anti-Racist Action. The episode also contains interviews with One People’s Project and New York City Anarchist Black Cross. Spencer Sunshine’s “Debunking the 3 Biggest Myths About Antifa” is an essay we quote at length in this episode to point out some of the ways that anti-fascist action in Charlottesville and around the country has helped shut down fascist organizing. We included an excerpt of our Free Speech FAQ from Ex-Worker Episode 12; check out this episode in full for a look into how anarchists fought against Franco in the Spanish Revolution and beyond, as well as interview with Occupied London about fascism and resistance in Greece, as well as some lively anti-fascist movie reviews. Mark Bray just published a new book, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. In this episode, we excerpt from a great two-part interview he did with Democracy Now. Part 1 / Part 2 This episode includes complete audio versions of several important texts that have appeared on crimethinc.com recently, including “Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism,” “Why We Fought in Charlottesville,” and the interview “Squaring off against Fascism: Critical Reflections from the Front Lines.” Tune into The Hotwire, our new 20–30 minute weekly anarchist newscast. New episodes premier every Wednesday this fall.      

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