The Nine Advancements of Attention

In this enlightening episode, we explore how OM provides a mirror to our practice, reflecting our responses to various experiences. We discuss how attention can evolve from a passive state to an active, volitional one and how this progression can enhance our connection with ourselves and others. We also touch on the transformative power of attention, its ability to purify and transmit energy, and its role in achieving the erotic state - a state of consciousness marked by a deep sense of connection with all things. Join us as we journey through the landscapes of experience, harnessing the power of attention and surrendering to the body’s wisdom.

Om Podcasten

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3, offers a deep dive into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and the philosophy behind it. Orgasmic Meditation is a 15-minute partnered attention-training practice where one person strokes the other’s clitoris with no goal other than to feel. In OM, we learn to harness the Erotic impulse, combining arousal and meditation for long-term, sustained changes. This selection of The Eros Sutras describes the steps and technique for the practice of OM, creating safe, repeatable access to the mystical state, healing, and the power of Eros.