
In this episode, we explore the intriguing intersection of mind, body, and the erotic senses and how they collectively open the dimension of stillness. We discuss how the mind, once subsumed by the body, gains the power to isolate itself from the stream of thought, focusing solely on the point of connection. We also touch on the intriguing sensations that arise from this simple placement of attention. From the subtlest goosebumps to waves of electricity, we explore how these sensations can lead to a massive response from seeming inactivity. Join us as we journey through this unique exploration of stillness, erotic vision, and the transcendent power of the mind-body connection. This episode promises to be a deep dive into the unchanging reality of our existence and the hidden truths it reveals.

Om Podcasten

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3, offers a deep dive into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and the philosophy behind it. Orgasmic Meditation is a 15-minute partnered attention-training practice where one person strokes the other’s clitoris with no goal other than to feel. In OM, we learn to harness the Erotic impulse, combining arousal and meditation for long-term, sustained changes. This selection of The Eros Sutras describes the steps and technique for the practice of OM, creating safe, repeatable access to the mystical state, healing, and the power of Eros.