Introduction To The Three Distractions

This episode discusses individuals’ complex challenges when transitioning from consciousness to the body and how these distractions can often lead to a power imbalance in relationships. We explore the deep-rooted societal conditioning that associates powerlessness with attractiveness in women and how this can strengthen the bondage of conditioning. We reveal how a true OM can liberate consciousness and initiate a process of purification. Finally, we stress the importance of focusing on what liberates us and how this can dissolve the threads of relational power conditioning, leading to a greater sense of freedom for both partners. Tune in to learn more about the journey towards bodily consciousness and the role of OM in this process.

Om Podcasten

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3, offers a deep dive into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and the philosophy behind it. Orgasmic Meditation is a 15-minute partnered attention-training practice where one person strokes the other’s clitoris with no goal other than to feel. In OM, we learn to harness the Erotic impulse, combining arousal and meditation for long-term, sustained changes. This selection of The Eros Sutras describes the steps and technique for the practice of OM, creating safe, repeatable access to the mystical state, healing, and the power of Eros.