#262 - Using AI in Higher Education

We examine AI and EdTech penetration in universities and what form that takes, what capacity exists to implement these changes effectively; we'll look at 21st Century HE learner needs, such as personalisation, recommendations, intelligent support, profiling and prompts; try to determine how to provide added value to university experience given the costs involved, and what the future of tech-enhanced HE could look like to help produce the best graduates possible.

Om Podcasten

The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ through storytelling, for better innovation and impact. Hosted by Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner-Centred Design at UCL and Founder and CEO of EDUCATE Ventures Research, using AI to measure the unmeasurable in education. The Edtech Podcast audience consists of education leaders from around the world, plus startups, learning and development specialists, bluechips, investors, Government and media. The Edtech Podcast is downloaded 2000+ each week from 145 countries in total, with UK, US & Australia the top 3 downloading countries. Podcast series have included Future Tech for Education, Education 4.0, and The Voctech Podcast, Learning Continued, Evidence-Based EdTech, and the upcoming AI in Ed: Our Data-Driven Future series on AI. Send your qs and comments to @PodcastEdtech, @knowldgillusion, [email protected], [email protected] or https://theedtechpodcast.com/ or leave a voicemail for the show at https://www.speakpipe.com/theedtechpodcast