How to Create a Comfortable, Ergonomic Workspace | Interview with Mike Pace, Senior Channel Sales and Marketing Manager at Contour Design

It's no secret that working at a computer for 40 or more hours a week is not great for our physical health, but it's easy to neglect the basics of ergonomics that ward off repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel. This week, Ryan chats with Mike Pace, Senior Channel Sales and Marketing Manager at Contour Design, who shares expert advice on how to create a comfortable workspace that supports longterm wellness. If you're currently hunched over a keyboard or sitting awkwardly in your office chair, do your body a favor and tune in for an ergonomics reset.Meet Our GuestMike Pace is the Senior Channel Sales and Marketing Manager at Contour Design, a market leader in the research, development and design of ergonomic computer mouse solutions such as RollerMouse, Unimouse and Multimedia Controller.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Om Podcasten

In the Digital Workspace Works podcast; We will cover the ever-strengthened digital workspace. Together and with the help of experts we will unpack this broad term - Digital Workspace. The ecosystem that blends people, process and technology so that work can get done. We will focus on the various moving disjointed pieces which need to work together in harmony to enable the user with seamless and highly effective end user experience.